

2nd/3rd Penannt Hills Scout Group currently runs Joeys, Cubs, Scouts and Venturer sections and we have recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of scouting at Pennant Hills!

We have a wonderfull scout hall with a bushland outlook and a place for a campfire.

Each section is run by trained volunteers and are supported by a parent committe who also look after fees, fundraising and finances as well as hall maintenance and hall hire.


2nd/3rd Pennant Hills runs 4 sections as shown below. Each section is open to girls and boys and your child is welcome to come along to try it out for free. Youth members get to have fun every week but they also get access to the various state run events that happen throughout the year, for example ScouthikeCuberee and Dragonskin

More information about what we do can be found one the Scouts NSW website. This Welcome pack also has lots of general information about Scouts.


Minimum Age 

Maximum Age 

Meeting Days/Time

Joey Scouts 

Mondays 6 till 7pm

Cub Scouts 


Tuesdays 7 till 8.30pm




Wednesdays 7 till 9pm

Venturer Scouts 



Monday 7 till 9pm

This is a joint section with other local scout groups


If you are new to scouts you can register for free as a temporary member for 6 weeks. You have nothing to loose! Just go to the Regsitration page and register as a temporary member.

Once you have completed the trial membership you will need to pay fees. 

The scouting year is split into ‘Treks’ which are normally 6 month long. Every youth member needs to register for each Trek and pay fees. The fees are split into two parts:

 State fees of $280 per year plus a one off $60 joining fee for new members to scouts. Click here for more details.

There are also Group Fees which are for our group only. These fees cover things like craft supplies, badges, hall maintenance, discounts for our leaders, trailer Rego etc. These fees are currently $260 per year.

The current Trek goes from July 24 to April 25 (3/4 of a year) and so is a group fee of $260 x 0.75 =$195 plus state fee of $280 x 0.75 = $210 =$405 for most members

Payment for each Trek happens when you register and you must have completed registration to attend scouting events.

Finally . . . . all our leaders and commitee members are volunteers. Please consider helping out however you can. You can joing the committe, become a leader or, at the very least, volunteer for our annual Christmas tree sales and quaterly hall working bees.
